Huna: Gateway to the godforce within

I did not choose Huna - Huna chose me. From an initial disinterest to having been claimed (body, mind and soul) by this practical expression of the so-called mystical rhealm, my life continues to be changed from one breath to the next. For me, Huna has always known through the body what the quantum sciences now invite us to consider through the intellect. My Huna journey is never about knowing and always about discovering. I invite you to discover with me.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


I am mindful of how I have not written here for a while. It is not that I do not come here - it is that when I do, I stare at the page and choose to leave. Words escape me, as I seek to find ways to share with you that which is so immense within my being. When the words do not come, I go.

There is not a day that goes by that I do not consciously think about and that I am not mindfully aware of the presence of the 'Higher Self'. I put it in quotes because I know that I am it. That means, I am mindfully aware of the presence of the 'Much More' that I already am.

My challenge here is to find a way to invite you to have a mindful awareness of the presence of the 'Much More' that you already are. That will not come from anything that I can tell you about Huna. For that, I am not required. You can read any of the gazillion books on the market on Huna and find what appeals to you. What you cannot find in any of those books is what I've discovered.

I wrote today in my Emerging Futures blog about being pregnant with potential. I am. You are. And so is everyone else. What comes to mind is that picture, again, that was taken by an old friend of cherry blossoms struggling for space within which to unfold, on this tree branch incredibly congested with life! Just like we are struggling for space within which to a world incredibly congested with life... and yet no sense of how to welcome it, embrace it and make room for it in our 'being-ness' in our day.

Huna, with its Aloha Spirit and its most beautiful and elegant expression of the Three Selves....grace and power in simplicity...helped me to create the space so that I could breathe. No...much more than that! that I would allow myself to breathe. We are all able. It is permission that we lack.

With the Space that is Huna; with the permission that is Huna and with the incredible, gentle force that I discovered mySelf to be through Huna, I found breath. And in that single moment, I unfolded. It has yet to stop....or to even slow.

I have no idea where this blog will go. I know that I will follow my breath and discover what rides on its exhalation. In that exhalation, my future will emerge and I can choose to live it or not.

My desire is to call to and welcome another into this space to share with you the power of her journey. I will keep you posted. My trust is in the space that her breath will create.

For now, I am done. At least, for this breath.

Breathing is good....

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

All meaning is context dependent

When it became clear to me that my next book would be about Huna, I was equally clear that I had no desire to write about the practices and techniques. So much has already been written on this topic by so many great souls, including all those whom I’ve already mentioned. What was important to me was to find a way to share with others how Huna had become that gateway.

The Hawaiian language has only 7 consonants. The genius of their language is that a word will change its meaning as its context changes – not only the context within which it is used but the context that the person is who is doing the listening. The same word will have multiple meanings depending on the context within which it is positioned. For those of you who are familiar with the Logical Levels of Thinking (and remember, we use 7 levels and not 6), consider how the same conversation (say, religion) will have different meanings at all 7 levels of thinking.

Consider for a moment that this situation with the language is also true with regard to Huna as a context for accelerated awakening. When we consider Huna through the 7 Logical Levels, we become aware of and gain access to different expressions of our own spirit nature.

I believe that without Huna, I would not have made the connections that have made it possible for me to experience….to feel and know in my tissue and not just in my intellect; to know as a truth of my experience and not just an intellectual truth as an opinion….what it is to be that spiritual being having a physical experience. To talk about it is one thing – to experience it is quite another.

When I first saw the framework of the Three Selves of Huna, it just felt right. Like discovering after 30 years that you’re adopted – and suddenly, so many things just make sense to you. You’ve known all along but until that moment, were not quite sure what you knew. For me, the Three Selves was that moment.

When I ventured into Huna, I chose to bring with me all the other things that I also knew. All those things that have come to me over the years from my interest in the quantum perspective, for example. My experience with and of NLP. My years of face-to-face engaging with other human beings at the deep end of the pool. My capacity to trust the truth of my experience, even when it did not match expectations or the status quo. My knowledge of quantum biology and autopoiesis and their implication for what we are as the creatures of flesh, bone and energy that we are. When I stepped into Huna, I left nothing else behind and so there was an integration that took place. And as the Hawaiians would say, I discovered that it was all ‘the same but different’.

The Three Selves of the Huna tradition allowed me to connect the notions of contexts of Self with flow of energy/information amongst those contexts. It is never about any one thing but about how things connect to each other. So with Huna, it never occurred to me to engage it in any other way. The whole has become much greater than the sum of the parts.

When I wrote and first published ‘Fully Alive’ in 1999, little did I know that I was opening a door that would make it possible for other people to discover the ‘click’ inside themselves. When I first entered Huna, little did I know that it would allow me to discover the ‘click’ inside mySelf – the Self that flows from the essence of who I am, or that Essential Being – and how the relationship exists that allows me to be all things and not necessarily any single one of them.

My Huna book is about 80% complete and will be out before the fall. As I go, I’ll include excerpts here that are relevant to an idea or a notion. For now, there are many other places that you can read about the Three Selves of Huna. Try Google and see what you can find. Explore. Consider different versions of the same story and discover which one comes alive in your body. That’s the one to pay attention to! When you find that one, stay with it and see where it takes you.

And remember: like I did not choose Huna but Huna chose me, don’t be surprised if you find yourself to be chosen for more of your own evolution. We live at a time in history when we must wake up – soon! – or risk a very long sleep until the next cycle opens up to new possibility. When Huna calls to you to awaken, remember that there is nothing to fear. No matter how strange you may find the conversation inside yourself that you are engaging, stay with it. Trust it. Allow yourself to be led.


Saturday, February 3, 2007

Signals from the Higher Self

I had a great conversation today with a colleague, about leadership (see my other blog). As we spoke, I was acutely aware that although the topic of our conversation was leadership, the flow for me was not from the intellect but from somewhere else.

When I spoke, the words just fell out of my mouth. My body formed the words, gave them sound and propelled them from my lips. My intellect observed, listened and discovered. I had no idea what I was going to say until the words had been said.

I’ve learned to trust this process – this process of expressions emerging – since they have filled my life with great discoveries and joy. It is greatly entertaining to me to have my own words catch me by surprise and delight me in their originality and expansiveness. And yet, although I have no sense of having created any of it, I am also keenly aware that it is all me. But what ‘me’ is it?

When the flow is there, life is effortless. When the signal from the Higher Self flows directly and effortlessly to the Lower Self to be engaged and processed, the Middle Self eventually benefits greatly from learning how to choose intelligently for MORE.

Today, in trusting the flow of this Signal from Self once again, new ideas emerged. New possibilities. New potential. And we are indeed, a global collective in great need of potential.

All of these thoughts will find their way into my next book. I have been playing with it now, for almost a year. Watching. Waiting. Listening. Letting the words flow from my fingers onto the screen when the flow is there, and letting go and relaxing when it is not. I do not determine that flow; I simply embrace it when it moves. Emerging futures unfold.

Huna, the Three Selves, flow of energy/information, trusting my body, letting go….all of these are aspects of the gateway that Huna has become for me. When I am awake to it, my life explodes with potential. When I fall asleep, it is as if my life becomes frozen in time and all I can see is the past.

Enough for now. There is always tomorrow.


First steps

I can't think of a single thing that has had a more powerful impact on my life than my experience of Huna.

From the beginning (which is now more than 17 years ago), my curiosity has been my guide; and my personal experience has been my evidence of something truly potent in my life. In all that I do, breath has become an essential element not just for my physical survival as a being of tissue/matter but as a spiritual being having a physical experience. Breath keeps me linked to the Force that flows through me, always reminding me that I AM that force.

Do I forget? From time to time....and then, breath once again awakens me to the godforce that I am and my life redirects to a meaninful place.

THIS place...this a meaningful place to me. In this space, I can express, explore and speak to what I am discovering about myself as I go. This is not a space for me to tell myself or anyone else what I 'know' about Huna but is a space where I can speak to what/who Huna has guided me to know of mySelf.

There is such powerful 'magic' here! Those notions of Emerging Future are directly tied to the flow of 'mana' or energy/informaton from the Higher Self to the Lower Self, with the body being the receiver/converter/transmitter for the genius that is carried. That I do or do not pay attention is entirely up to me. I hold myself as truly blessed when I say that it has now become more difficult for me to NOT listen than it has for me to do so.

I am excited! Excited about this place where I am free to share whatever is true and real for me and to trust that any of those others who are drawn here will come with an open mind, an open heart and the willingness to become the MORE that they already are.

In my 30 years of searching, I am clear: for me, Huna is a gateway to the discovery of the godforce that I am in a physical world. Not a discovery of theory or philosophy but a discovery in tissue/matter.

I breathe....I engage...and I know that I AM god. You engage....and have you noticed yet?

Every cell of my being IS that godforce. Not a vessel for it...not a conduit for it....but the thing itself. And I ask myself: how does the godforce choose to live?
