Huna: Gateway to the godforce within

I did not choose Huna - Huna chose me. From an initial disinterest to having been claimed (body, mind and soul) by this practical expression of the so-called mystical rhealm, my life continues to be changed from one breath to the next. For me, Huna has always known through the body what the quantum sciences now invite us to consider through the intellect. My Huna journey is never about knowing and always about discovering. I invite you to discover with me.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Huna - recorded conversation with Louise

Aloha! Where does the time go....

Although I seem to have left this place, Huna has never left me. I share with you a recent conversation with my friend and colleague - Sheila Winter Wallace - as we explore Huna and the deeply intimate meaning that it carries for each of us. With RIG (Respect, Integrity and Generosity of Spirit); and in honor of 'Think not that all wisdom is in your school.", I offer this as food for thought, as you consider your life in that place, beyond the veil, that is Huna.

May you always be true to that which flows through you... and gives you life!